I want to use R package SeuratDisk. When I use library(SeuratDisk)
to load the package, it reported that libhdf5.so.8 no such file
on all node of the cluster. But, I can run library(SeuratDisk)
on the head node, because there is libhdf5.so.8
on this node in /lib/. The flowing steps can be used to solve this problem.
1. download HDF5:
>>> wget -c "https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.8/hdf5-1.8.13/bin/linux-x86_64/hdf5-1.8.13-linux-x86_64-shared.tar.gz"
2. untar the package:
>>> tar xzvf hdf5-1.8.13-linux-x86_64-shared.tar.gz
3. add environment variable:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:software/hdf5-1.8.13-linux-x86_64-shared/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
4. source ~/.bashrc
Enjoy, hope it will be usefull.