empty & blight

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.

Lib dependence for R package to run

solve problems when running R packages

I want to use R package SeuratDisk. When I use library(SeuratDisk) to load the package, it reported that libhdf5.so.8 no such file on all node of the cluster. But, I can run library(SeuratDisk) on ...

Lib dependence for R packages installation

solve problems when installing R packages

When compile a package on Linux, the system libs are often used. For example, install.packages('scater') reports systemfonts was lack. On the conda environment, fontconfig and freetype2 are exsists...

Config libs for R packages installation

solve problems when installing R packages

I use these steps to solve problems when installing R packages. Usually, R packages depend on a lot of newer libraries and the system (Linux) has only old libraries. We can copy a newer library fro...

Installation of GCC

my simple steps

I use these steps to install gcc 9.2.0. 1. download source code from [official site](https://gcc.gnu.org/) 2. tar xzvf gcc-9.2.0.tar.gz // uncompress 3. mkdir gcc-9.2.0_obj // create a new directo...

some ideas from recent events

do more & faster

DaNiu, a person who did great works and had great contribution to a field, is everybody’s pursuit. So in order to become future DaNius, many folks want to work with them. This certainly promote o...

aphorism by JiangYang

compete or not

Dying Speech of an Old Philosopher BY WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR I strove with none, for none was worth my strife: Nature I loved, and, next to Nature, Art: I warm’d both hands before the fire of Life;...

pdf output or svg output by R plot

there is issue to use pdf in AI

begin R output file type problem When I output a plot file generated by R scripts, pdf is opened by regular pdf viwer software. But the pdf file changed their colors when is opened by Adobe Illustr...

The diff between developing & developed country

The gap is huge.

begin developing country Unfortunately, I was made to feel that the stain of being from a developing country was indelible. Some of my US colleagues refused to believe I could have received...

construct personal blog fastly

#preface the first blog 以前试了很多次,终于成功构建了博客。 from BY